Airinum MARINE Serre

We appreciate your support in allowing HYPEBEAST ads, where we can share contents from the latest fashion, to those culturally relevant. Urban Air Mask 2.0 NEMEN Military Green. All three available designs are reusable, washable and available in 4 sizes. Priced at $295 USD, the Marine Serre x Airinum Urban Air Mask 2.0 is available now at SSENSE. Shop the Marine Serre official site.

We’d appreciate your support by whitelisting HYPEBEAST on your ad blocker. Urban Air Mask 2.0 Alan Walker ft. Airinum. Urban Air Mask 2.0 Alan Walker ft. Airinum. Urban Air Filter 2.0 / 3-Pack 6 Filters. Urban Air Mask 2.0 NEMEN Military Green. In adding HYPEBEAST to your ad blocker's whitelist, ads on our sites will show while you continue to browse.

Most ad blockers have similar whitelisting steps and settings. Urban Air Mask 2.0 Marine Serre Moon. MARINESERRE×AIRINUM. Reusable, washable and available in 4 We need ads to keep the lights on and to continue providing free news to our readers. マリーン セル (Marine Serre)は、パリを拠点に活躍するマリーン・セルによるブランド。. Discover the latest women's and men's ready to wear, shoes, and accessories collections.

The multi-layer filter technology is tested at RISE R&D center in Sweden, one of the world’s most advanced filter laboratories, and consists of the following layers:The MARINE SERRE + AIRINUM mask offers the same adjustable system as the Urban Air Mask 2.0 and is engineered with:• Two exhalation valves that will transport out the exhaled air and make the mask less moisty and easier to breathe through.MARINE SERREINDUSTRIAL MASKSURGICAL MASKFASHION MASK5-layer filter technology, tested for various international standards*IP protected 4-size system to fit all types of faces3D memory nose-foam & shapeable nose-clip to secure sealing2 x exhalation valves for comfortable breathingAdjustable earloops for a personal fitIncluded adjustable and removable head strap for the perfect fitLong lasting & replaceable filtersWashable mask skin treated with Polygiene, an anti-bacterial coatingIP protected & Award-winning Swedish designIncluded travel pocket* The MARINE SERRE + AIRINUM is tested for fit and filter capability according to various mask standards.


The estimated time for delivery is August, 2020. Marine Serre’s seasonal moon monogram pattern is displayed across the mask, evolving the functional construction of the air filter mask into a conceptual piece born from a reciprocal common goal.As a reaction to the era in which we live, this collaboration nurtures a futuristic edge in which fashion needs to be as functional as protective, aiming to find the right responses to a rapidly changing world.French avant-garde expressions in 3 mask designsUnique Travel Pocket in futuristic textiles à la Marine SerreFor every sold item of the Marine Serre collaboration, you contribute to the organization The independent label Marine Serre, founded in 2017, is one-of-a-kind in today's fashion landscape. ラ・カンブル国立美術学校を卒業した後、 アレキサンダー・マックイーン (Alexander McQueen)、メゾン マルジェラ (Maison Margiela)、 ディオール (Dior)、 バレンシアガ (Balenciaga)にて経験を積む。. Each mask comes with two changeable filters tested to have 98 percent efficiency against particles down to 0.3μm in size and two exhalation valves.Priced at $295 USD, the Marine Serre x Airinum Urban Air Mask 2.0 is available now at In case you missed it, 295 USDThe HYPEBEAST Discord Server is a community where conversations on cultural topics can be taken further.Gain access to exclusive interviews with industry creatives, think pieces, trend forecasts, guides and more. Receive the latest updates, breaking stories and headlining articles curated by our editorial team just for you. 值得一提的是,此款口罩價格較Marine Serre X Airinum貴上許多,定價為美金575元(約台幣17,250元),不過,由於目前全球大鬧口罩荒,因此便有網友到IG對當時的貼文留言表示購買意願,像是「這款可以重複使用嗎」、「買起來」、「還有貨嗎」等,不怕砸大錢,只想要買到。 As many look to ready themselves for the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak, reliable masks to prevent airborne infection are of the utmost importance. By combining cutting-edge filter technology with timeless Scandinavian design, the Urban Air Mask 2.0 offers an outstanding performance and comfort to combat harmful particles in the air.

Urban Air Filter 2.0 / 3-Pack 12 Filters. In case you missed it, Marine Serre’s Flou pattern marks its Jacquard Silk-Blend Satin Cap. All sales will be donated to the organization 1% for the Planet. Establishing themselves as a two folded mission company, Airinum purposes to expand a healthier living while raising awareness about poor air quality and climate crisis.The collaboration, firstly shown during Marine Serre SS20 Marée Noire collection, marks a perfect connection between Marine Serre’s ecofuturist designs and Airinum’s climate consciousness. MARINE SERRE (マリーンセル)とは?. Urban Air Filter 2.0 / 3-Pack 6 Filters. Marine Serre pioneers a new range of avant-garde designs constructed under the core bases of its label: hybridization, transformation and ecofuturist experimentation, not just for finding new ways in design, but as a 360-degree redefinition of what a fashion house could look like in the 21st century.In 2015, Airinum launched with ‘A vision to create a world where everyone can breathe clean and healthy air again’.


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