Video adblocker for youtube extension

Ad blocker extension for annoying ads. Thank you!You’re now signed up to receive Microsoft Store emails. By installing this extension, you are agreeing to our YouTube™ AdBlock End User License Agreement (, our YouTube™ AdBlock Terms and Conditions (, and our YouTube™ AdBlock Privacy Policy ( According to … In addition to blocking ads, YouTube™ AdBlock prevents ads from loading to reduce energy consumption and wasting your precious resources. YouTube™ AdBlock uses a GPLv3 license. Or you can just use a more efficient adblocker, like uBlock Origin or AdGuard, and continue to use Edge....... or Firefox, or Vivaldi or...I am using FF 77.0.1 with uBlock Origin. YouTube™ AdBlock effectively deals with annoying pop-ups, banners and video ads once and for all. - Faster Internet & privacy protection In addition to blocking ads, YouTube™ AdBlock prevents ads from loading to reduce energy consumption and wasting your precious resources. Thanks to our service, you will be able to block ads for phishing schemes, fraudulent websites, and malware attacks. How to install AdBlock extension for Microsoft Edge - YouTube Stop ads while surfing YouTube™ and the Internet. - Unlimited ad blocking Our product pricing may be found at Video Blocker allows you to hide videos from channels that you don't like. Available to United States residents. YouTube™ AdBlock uses a GPLv3 license. Block pop-ups and annoying ads on websites like Facebook and YouTube. Adblock Plus, the most popular ad blocker on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Android and iOS. Not a member yet? Scummy Tactics to stay installed.PCits not free. Thank you! After the free trial period, a subscription is required and must be purchased to continue to block ads. - Faster Internet & privacy protection Try it on a no obligation limited free trial today! For pricing and purchasing, please visit and select from a monthly, annual, or lifetime plan.

- Licenses for multiple installations (up to 2 for monthly, 5 for annual, 7 for lifetime)
Microsoft has issued a warning about a conflict between Microsoft Edge and the AdBlock Plus browser extension that causes problems when watching YouTube videos. Protect your privacy via in-browser controls!

Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events, and more from Microsoft Store. Our product pricing may be found at Uppgrading to one of our paid subscription plans includes: Stop ads while surfing YouTube™ and the Internet. By installing this extension, you are agreeing to our YouTube™ AdBlock End User License Agreement (, our YouTube™ AdBlock Terms and Conditions (, and our YouTube™ AdBlock Privacy Policy ( Using the new Ad blocker extension for annoying ads. Thanks to our service, you will be able to block ads for phishing schemes, fraudulent websites, and malware attacks. Please try again later. Uppgrading to one of our paid subscription plans includes: - 30-day Money Back Guarantee

YouTube™ AdBlock effectively deals with annoying pop-ups, banners and video ads once and for all. In addition to blocking ads, YouTube™ AdBlock prevents ads from loading to reduce energy consumption and wasting your precious resources. You can also hide videos from multiple channels at once, by using a wildcard or adding regular expressions. YouTube™ AdBlock effectively deals with annoying pop-ups, banners and video ads once and for all. Protect your privacy via in-browser controls! "While they work on fixing the bug, Microsoft states that you can prevent the error from being displayed by disabling the AdBlock extension and refreshing the page again.For users seeing this error message when watching YouTube videos, even if Adblock Plus is not installed, To leave feedback for the Microsoft Edge developers, go to Microsoft asks that you provide a detailed description of the issue so that it can be fixed.Since posting this article, readers have told BleepingComputer that this issue is also affecting other Chromium-based browsers such as Google Chrome and Brave Browser.We have not been able to independently verify if this is the case.There is at least one more way to avoid this problem...use a different browser than Edge such as Firefox. dont even botherPCNot freePC


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