Wedding message short

I wish you lots of love, laugh and beautiful kids. You deserve a lifetime full of happiness and cheers.

***May you be just as happy as in your wedding photos! It’s wonderful to see the joy in the eyes. The way you look at each other makes me believe in true love, and I wish you both to keep looking at each other the same way for ever. It is not an easy task to create a nice and original greeting.

May the love and affection only grow between you two in the coming days of your life!Oh, my dear!

Congratulations on your wedding! Congratulations!

***Marriage is not just uniting with a person you love. Keep smiling!Related : My dear, you just entered into the amazing stage of life. ***Wishing all the best for you two today and always,***May your married life bring you the most beautiful memories,***Congratulations, may you have a healthy family and a bunch of beautiful kids! Congratulations on your wedding!

***Wishing you all the good things that togetherness brings into life. May your marriage be happy and everlasting!When you make love the first priority, you always end up with a wonderful result. It’s the relation by which two different people turn into one entity for the lifetime. Let your marriage be stable until the last day of your life. These are facts. Congratulations!Before marriage, you are incomplete. May your love story be as magical and charming as in fairy tales! May your married life be full of love. I’m sure that you’ll have a lot of fun together. It’s worth it. I have full confidence that you’ll make a good family with your beautiful wife. Since now you’re co-authors of your love story, and I wish you both to create the most amazing story ever!
You are definitely destined to be together.

It was definitely meant to happen. Congratulations on your wedding! Enjoy an exciting post-marriage life!You are going to make a lot of memories with each other. Congratulations!

I wish all the happiness comes to you. Take my warm wishes of lifetime happiness, joy and prosperity for you!May the delight in your eyes today stay with you through the thick and thins of married life.

Your love illuminated you from the inside, and that’s all you need to build a happy marriage.

Wish you a happy marriage! Always keep each other in your heart and let the passion of love overwhelm you!I wish you may never stop being amazed by each other and never stop falling in love with each other. Congratulations on your wedding! May it be bright and joyful!Marriage changes people’s lives and I wish that your changes would be for the better. Congratulations on your marriage by the way!Read More : You were mad for each other before today. Wedding Wishes For Daughter. Congrats!”“Thank you for inviting me to share in this day with you and your family.

Wishing you all the best, congratulations on your wedding!

It means that your marriage will last. You are the most beautiful couple I know and I feel so lucky to witness two hearts become one on this amazing wedding day.

I hope you will find all happiness and joys of life. That’s the sad reality my friend!
)“Our marriage advice: Love, honor and… scrub the toilet.”(Or fill in any other funny advice you have. Congratulations on your marriage! We’re/I’m gaining a son/daughter.

You have to always make sure that this person is healthy, happy and satisfied, because it is the most important thing in the world for you. ***You both have been blessed with true love.

Congratulations!!! Congratulations! ***I have never seen a couple this beautiful.

Take the best care of each other. Be happy, always. Since many couples keep their wedding cards or turn them into keepsakes, take care to write wedding wishes that are meaningful and don't forget to sign your names. Wish you a wonderful wedding!


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