High spec meaning

Sounds kind of like 'high tech' but it means high in specifications, such as numbers or hardware ranking. If you did not found a definition, High Spec grants Nezu, an animal, unparalleled intelligence, perception, and comprehension that far surpass that of humans. Copyright © 2013-2020 by All Dictionary Have you experienced the adventure of crime, punishment, and onions that makes up Holes, by Louis Sachar? Spec definition is - specification —usually used in plural; also : a single quantity (such as a dimension or a measure of performance) describing a product especially as part of a specification. Through this Quirk, Nezu became capable of thinking, speaking, and acting like a person. spec definition: 1. informal for specification (= a detailed description of how something should be or has been…. Synonyms for high specifications include high standards, exacting requirements, strict requirements, stringent criteria, high grade and high quality. is the Quirk used by Nezu. A term useful for describing your computer's specifications. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words Elaborating, specifying and simplifying Learn more. The VIP DIY Super-Yacht Club. High Spec grants Nezu, an animal, unparalleled intelligence, perception, and comprehension that far surpass that of humans.Due to his unfathomable intelligence, Nezu is capable of instantly formulating incredibly intricate strategies; for example, from a single vantage point, he can create a chain reaction of destruction to wreck an entire industrial zone with just one well-placed wrecking ball smash. Seems a lot like 'high technology' nonetheless it implies saturated in specifications, particularly numbers or hardware standing.Variable consumption:Low SpecMid SpecHigh SpecNeed more support? Requests for high-spec gyms, bars, whirlpool baths and spacious sun decks are common. See more. As such, Nezu holds grudges from being experimented on, feelings that are exclusive to the human species, which might interfere in his thought processes. Description. High spec meaning in Urban Dictionary A term useful for describing your computer's specifications.

How to use spec … Priced somewhere in the $14-15,000 range, it should come as no surprise that this is a high-spec bike, but we're still impressed by the beefy quality of the Streetfighter's parts, just check out the massive triple clamps for evidence.

Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. High spec unknown A term used for describing your computer's specs. Seems a lot like 'high technology' nonetheless it implies saturated in specifications, particularly numbers or hardware standing.Variable consumption:Low SpecMid SpecHigh Spec Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! The cars have been built to a high specification (= a high standard).

Specs definition, spectacles; eyeglasses. High Spec (ハイスペック, Hai Supekku?) This same intellect also grants him flawless leadership skills, which are acknowledged by the fact that he is the principal of Because of his intelligence, Nezu can perfectly recall anything.


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