グレイズアナトミー イジー 死亡

シアトルの大病院を舞台に主人公のメレディス・グレイをはじめとする医師たちが成長と恋愛模様を見せる大人気海外ドラマ「グレイズ・アナトミー」。 The hospital hosts a prom.The doctors of Seattle Grace comfort Izzie, Meredith finally makes a decision about Derek and Finn, and Addison begins to doubt her abilities.Izzie copes with a great loss; Meredith faces decisions about her future after her liaison with Derek.Cristina meets Burke's parents, the interns campaign for Izzie's reinstatement, and Addison takes a break from her hospital duties.Cristina helps Preston cope with his hand tremor; Izzie returns to the hospital for the first time since she quit the program.Addison doubts her abilities; Cristina pushes Burke's rehabilitation; an intern suffers a medical emergency.Bailey treats a young mother battling breast cancer, and Derek learns more about Mark and Addison's relationship.Cristina draws the envy of the other doctors when she scrubs in for a special procedure.The men of Seattle Grace go on a camping trip, and Meredith assists with a procedure Sloan has never experienced.The O'Malley family visits George at the hospital; Meredith determines to have a more positive outlook on life.A traumatic car accident fills the ER, and Cristina has a crisis of conscience about her deceptive teamwork with Burke.Recent events strain Burke and Cristina's relationship, and Meredith's half-sister enters the hospital.George's father has surgery for his cancer; Thatcher Grey arrives to see his new granddaughter; Meredith finds that Derek has trouble sleeping.Mark is furious with Addison; George's father continues to recover after his surgery.Bailey proposes the creation of a free clinic; a Seattle Grace doctor receives a proposal.The doctors compete for Richard's affections, and a surgical patient endangers the lives of those around her.A ferryboat accident on triage training day tests the interns.Meredith's friends and fellow doctors work to save her life after her near-drowning.Meredith flatlines and gets a visit from Denny and Dylan in the afterlife.

An interim chief of surgery gets appointed.When a familiar face tackles his first day as interim chief, drama erupts in the OR. Amelia learns of Teddy's pregnancy. Edwards is troubled by a patient's treatment plan.An unexpected guest throws a dinner party into turmoil and brings back painful memories for Meredith. Teddy's pregnancy scare spurs Koracick to take a stand against Owen.Jo is reminded of her past when she suspects a trauma patient has been raped. Huluは『海外ドラマに強い』という印象ですが、他にも様々な作品が見放題になっています。ほんの一部ですが一覧にしてみました。気になる作品はありましたか?Huluに登録すれば上記作品が無料で見放題で、とってもお得です♪海外ドラマ好きにはたまらないラインナップのHulu。続いては、解約方法を図で解説していきますね♪ Meanwhile, Meredith suspects Derek of cheating on her.A man with Alzheimer's accidentally destroys the life of a young couple, causing Richard and Maggie to ponder the disease's effect on their own lives.Derek has returned to Seattle, but Meredith still harbors doubts about his fidelity.


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